
Primordial Dipole Anisotropy on the Cosmic Microwave Background and Inflation Theory

Jazayeri, Sadra | 2014

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 46015 (04)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Physics
  6. Advisor(s): Mansouri, Reza; Firouzjahi, Hassan
  7. Abstract:
  8. Cosmic Inflation, invented by Alan Guth in 1980’s, solves the shortcomings of the Standard Cosmology such as the flatness, the horizon and the monopoles problems and provides the seeds of large scale structure formation. The quantum fluctuations which are produced during inflationary epoch are redshifted and transferred from Microscopic scales to Macroscopic universe. We can observe this macroscopic fluctuations both on the CMB surface and on large scale structures. Data from WMAP and Planck missions(CMB space Telescopes) suitably confirms the general predictions of single field inflationary scenarios but still people search for finding primordial gravitational waves from the B-Mode signal of CMB polarization maps. Furthermore, observations of semi-full sky projects like 2Mass 1 and SDSS 2 are consistent with general features of inflationary cosmology. There are indications of hemispherical asymmetry in WMAP and Planck observations. If this effect is not a systematic error or due to statistical fault means that our world in scales about 3Gpc is not isotropic. In inflationary scenarios there are few models like Long Mode Modulation are created which can explain the probable anisotropy. In this thesis after reviewing the Standard Cosmology (first chapter) and cosmological perturbation theory (second chapter), we study inflation theory and some of its models (chapter 3 and 4), then we explain Long Mode Modulation Model (chapter 5) and ultimately introduce our workl ”Domain wall” and its prediction on cosmic microwave background
  9. Keywords:
  10. Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) ; Anisotropy ; Inflationary Cosmology ; Inflation ; Power Spectral Analysis ; Standard Cosmology

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