Design and Implementation of Control Algorithm to Carry a load By Segway Robot
Jokar, Ehsan | 2013
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 45183 (05)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Electrical Engineering
- Advisor(s): Bagheri Shouraki, Saeed
- Abstract:
- Recently, many investigations have been devoted to problems of controlling mobile-wheeled inverted pendulum (MWIP) models, which have been widely applied in the field of autonomous robotics and intelligent vehicles. The MWIP models are not only of theoretical interest but are also of practical interest. Many practical systems have been implemented that were based on the MWIP models, such as the JOE, the Segway, etc. Among these applications, the Segway PT has been a popular personal transporter, since it was invented in 2002 Such systems are characterized by the ability to balance on its two wheels and spin on the spot. This additional maneuverability allows them to easily navigate on various terrains, turn sharp corners, and traverse small steps or curbs. In addition, the compact structure design allows drivers to access most places that can only be accessed by walkers in the past. Moreover, people can drive such vehicles to travel short distances in a small area instead of using cars or buggies that are more pollutive.
From the theoretical point of view, the MWIP models have attracted much attention in the field of control theory and engineering because they are nonlinear and underactuated with inherent unstable dynamics. The ability to carry a burden is investigated in this thesis. Because of uncertainty of the burden, the dynamic of whole system, composed of robot and burden, is uncertain. In this thesis, an adaptive fuzzy sliding-mode controller (AFSMC) approach is developed to control the position and angle of a Segway robot. The proposed control system combines great advantages of adaptive sliding-mode control and fuzzy control. The main contribution of the proposed method is that the underactuated system can be controlled in their original non square form. The problem of matrix singularity for this system is solved by using the property of the regularized inverse and by introducing a compensator term in the proposed control law. The free parameters of the adaptive fuzzy controller are tuned on-line based on the Lyapunov approach. The overall adaptive fuzzy scheme guarantees the bounded ness of all the closed-loop signals as well as the tracking errors. The validity of the proposed approach is shown by computer simulations - Keywords:
- Robust Control ; Sliding Mode Control ; Fuzzy Control ; Adaptive Sliding Control ; Adaptive Fuzzy Control ; Segway Robot
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- 2-3 -2- 2- روشهای طراحی کنترل کنندههای فازی
- شکل 213. استراتژی هیورستیک
- فصل سوم: پیشینهی موضوع
- فصل چهارم، مدلسازی دینامیکی
- فصل پنجم، ارایه الگوریتم کنترل پیشنهادی
- فصل ششم، نتیجهگیری و ارایه پیشنهادات
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