
Experimental Study on Liquid Breakup Process in Slinger Injection

Rezayat, Sajjad | 2014

1243 Viewed
  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 46105 (45)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Aerospace Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Farshchi, Mohammad
  7. Abstract:
  8. In small turbojet engines, it is important to find a suitable fuel injector with good spray quality. However, the rotating fuel injection system can potentially provide high atomization quality without the high-pressure fuel pump through the centrifugal forces of the engine shaft. The spray characteristics of rotary atomization for small gas turbines can be investigated using a high-speed camera. To analyze the breakup process of the liquid column and liquid film, spray visualization tests should performed under varied test conditions.In this research, experimental study on liquid breakup process has performed in rotary atomizer of j402 turbojet engine with the name of slinger injector, to analyses the breakup of liquid film and transformation to small droplets.The final purpose of this thesisis to provide a valuable model to calculate the size of droplets in different rotational speeds and experimental resultshave been existed for validation of numerical study has done the same subjects.With this model, the combustion modeling process will be complete.However, in the present study, a liquid jet images has been obtained at 1000 to 10000 rpm rotational speed and analyses and identify breakup regimes was investigated. In addition,the mean droplet and distribution of droplet size has calculated by MATLAB software
  9. Keywords:
  10. Rotary Atomizer ; Slinger Injector ; J 402 Turbojet Engine ; Liquid Film Breakup Process ; High Speed Camera ; Droplet Size Measurment ; Spray Visualization

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