Modeling and Simulation of Miscible Flow through Fractured Porous Media Using Random Walk Method
Fayazi, Amir | 2014
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 46130 (06)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
- Advisor(s): Ghazanfari, Mohammad Hossein
- Abstract:
- Miscible displacement in fluid flowing through a porous medium plays an important role in many environmental and industrial applications; for instance, miscible displacements in enhanced oil recovery processes and pollutant spreading in groundwater. A large number of numerical approaches have been developed to solve the advection-dispersion equation that describes the behavior of miscible displacement in porous media. Most of these numerical models suffer from numerical dispersion. Random walk seems to be an effective method to overcome this problem especially in heterogeneous media. Here, a random walk model was developed and used for simulating miscible displacement in heterogeneous porous media at the laboratory scale. Dispersion coefficient was treated as a tensor (diagonal as well as off-diagonal components were considered) and a hybrid scheme was used for velocity interpolation. To validate the developed model, solvent injection experiments were performed on glass micromodels including fracture/flow barrier. The transient concentration and production data were used for evaluating the diffusion coefficient and longitudinal as well as transversal dispersivity for each pattern by fitting the results of the random walk model to the experimental data.In addition, a comparison of simulation results obtained from incorporation of constant and space dependent dispersion coefficient in RW algorithm was performed. Well match observed between model results and experimental data indicates that random walk is a robust and accurate method in simulating miscible displacements by capturing the irregularity of the saturation profiles in terms of both the plume shape and concentration values
- Keywords:
- Simulators ; Scattering ; Heterogeneous Porous Media ; Random Walk ; Miscible Displacement
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