
Computational Modeling of Axonal Microtubule and Study the Effect of Cytoplasm on It under the Tension

Manuchehrfar, Farid | 2014

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 46152 (08)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Mechanical Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Shamloo, Amir
  7. Abstract:
  8. Axon is an important part of the neuronal cells and axonal microtubules are bundles in axons.In axons, microtubules are coated with microtubule-associated protein tau, a natively unfolded filamentous protein in the central nervous system. These proteins are responsible for cross-linking axonal microtubule bundles. Through complimentary dimerization with other tau proteins, bridges are formed between nearby microtubules creating bundles. Formation of bundles of microtubules causes their transverse reinforcement and has been shown to enhance their ability to bear compressive loads. Though microtubules are conventionally regarded as bearing compressive loads, in certain circumstances such as in traumatic stretch injury, they are placed in tension. In our model, microtubule bundles are formed from a large number of discrete masses. We employ Standard Linear Solid model, a viscoelastic model, to computationally simulate microtubules. This study investigates the dynamic responses of axonal microtubules under suddenly applied end forces by implementing discrete masses connected to their neighboring masses with a Standard Linear Solid unit. Under tension, a microtubule fiber may rupture as a result of a sudden force. We investigate the behavior of axons in response to suddenly applied forces for steady state condition. Using the developed model, we can predict the critical regions of axonal microtubule bundles in the presence of varying end forces. We also demonstrate the effect of applied force pattern on the deformation of bundles. We finally can analyze the behavior of microtubule bundles for different values of end forces and the nature of microtubular failure under the mechanical stress
  9. Keywords:
  10. Oxone ; Micro Tubule ; Neuron ; Standard Linear Solid (SLS) ; Tau Protein

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