
Technical English for mechanical engineers

Alemi, Minoo 1969- | 2014

728 Viewed
  1. Type of Document: Book
  2. Publisher: Tehran : Sharif University Press , 2014
  3. Abstract:
  4. Local educational institutions produce in-house English for Specific Purpose (ESP) materials according to the curriculum policies designated and developed by the Ministry of Higher Education In Iran. To this end, this book aims to be used in the Iranian setting at the tertiary level for undergraduate students majoring in Mechanical Engineering. Moreover, the style of English usage in this ESP textbook is American.
    Regarding the content of the textbook, it has both thematic organizations in which the topics are relevant and includes sufficient treatment of the target language areas necessary for the students. The principle organizing approach of this textbook is theme-based. In addition, the content is international and non-culture specific, which means it, can be tailored much more easily. Concerning the frequency of vocabulary types, a tripartite classification of vocabulary, i.e. jargon, technical, and core, proposed by Chung and Nation (2003) was adopted in this book. The major reason found in the history of research for claiming the legitimacy of ESP has been the application of specific vocabulary. This claim can be verified by examining texts, which are of a specific nature and contain vocabulary related to the discipline in question, viz, mechanical engineering
  5. Keywords:
  6. Readers -- Mechanics ; English language -- textbooks

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