
The investigation of Odor Producing Factors in Kish Island Refineries and Sewage Collection System

Jamali, Hamid Reza | 2014

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 46711 (53)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Civil Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Hashemian, Jamal
  7. Abstract:
  8. From the main factors causing an unpleasant odor can refer to indoles, askatels, mercaptans, some volatile organic compounds, sulfide hydrogen, ammonia, and the number of odor-causing compounds, which are also found in the wastewater facilities and sometimes produce unpleasant odors. Meanwhile, ammonia (Pungent and irritating odor) and sulfide hydrogen (colorless poisonous gas with the odor of rotten eggs) can be presented as major factors in sewage odor.
    Several factors are involved in the foul-smelling hydrogen sulfide gas collection system and wastewater treatment. A few of them include numerous sewage pumping stations, selected the appropriate gradient in the collection system, discharge of septic sewage to the refineries by tankers transporting sewage, long way of sewage from the place of production to waste water treatment plant (WWTP), lack of proper loading in the WWTP, wastewater input to collection network with high pollution load, climatic conditions of the island, etc. Despite of these factors lead to decrease the level of dissolved oxygen in the wastewater and thus creating anaerobic conditions, and start-up activities of anaerobic bacteria, especially bacteria regenerative of sulfate compounds and thus produce foul-smelling hydrogen sulfide gas.
    In this study, we first identify various locations of the island section are suffering from the problem of odor from sewage and after detecting the locations, we proceed to sample and carry out several tests including: determination of temperature, electrical conductivity, hydrogen sulfide, oxidation regenerative factor, dissolved oxygen and pH. After analyzing the results, hydrogen sulfide was identified as the main factor of malodor in the sampling points, and as a result of this data analysis, it was determined the level of relation between odor issues and the measured parameters. Therefore in the absence and lack of dissolved oxygen in wastewater samples in various locations, with higher temperature and lower oxidation reduction potential (ORP) smaller than -100, more production of hydrogen sulfide and thus more malodor was observed.
    Sulfide hydrogen which caused unpleasant odor in the collection system, pumping stations and WWTP of Kish, can be removed by several methods. Generally these methods are divided into two categories: Removing in the liquid phase methods, which uses the various methods such as chemical oxidation with different oxidizers and adding oxygen to sewage with various methods excluding producing sulfide hydrogen from the wastewater. Alternatively, Removing in the gas phase methods, which using the various methods for removing hydrogen sulfide created in wastewater, before diffusion to the environment is isolated from environment by several methods such as wet scrubbers, bio-filters, activated carbon filters and Biotrickling Filters
  9. Keywords:
  10. Pumping Station ; Hydrogen Sulfide ; Odor Control ; Kish Island ; Collection System ; Wastewater Treatment Plant

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