Factorial Design of Experiments to Identify Effective Factors on Domestic Vehicle Emissions and Fuel Consumption
Esteghamat, Farzad | 2014
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 46713 (08)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Mechanical Engineering
- Advisor(s): Hosseini, Vahid
- Abstract:
- Reducing air pollutant emissions from vehicles is a difficult and time consuming procedure which needs utilizing of modern emission control equipment and setting strict regulations for car factories and drivers as well. How efficient these policies are and proposing operative solutions for air quality improvement depend on developing a sustainable model which is used in vehicle emission predictions and their share in total emissions. Emission factors are not constant values as they can be affected by various operational and ambient parameters. Development of Emission inventories calls for a huge number of measurements using different vehicles in diverse conditions. Thus, recognition of effective parameters and their effectiveness level helps saving considerable amount of time and money through elimination of surplus measurements while maintaining accuracy and comprehensiveness of the results. Finding effective factors on emission and fuel consumption is an indispensable requirement for emission and fuel economy planning.In this study, a two-level full factorial design approach is used to identify effective parameters on gaseous emissions and fuel consumption of a gasoline-fueled vehicle by a portable emission measurement system (PEMS). Factorial design of is a common method to identify the degree of effectiveness of each parameter on the results and identifying key parameters for identifying effective parameters on different responses. The main vantage of this approach is studying the possible interactions between two or more parameters and observing the emission rates in a vast span of variations, Thus, four parameters (in two levels) have been chosen to be investigated as follows: Fuel type, Road type, Road grade and A/C function. The results indicate that the road grade has a governing role in fuel consumption and CO2 emission. The fuel type functions dominantly in the emission of CO and HC, and finally A/C function has the leading part in fuel consumption and the emission of CO2 and NOx
- Keywords:
- Effective Factor ; Fuel Consumption ; Vehicle Emission Measurement ; Portable Emission Measurement System (PEMS) ; Experiment Factorial Design
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