Characterization of Protein Content in Soluble Microbial Products Involved in Fouling of Membrane Bioreactor
Tanhaee, Zahra | 2015
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 46741 (03)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Chemistry
- Advisor(s): Torkian, Ayoub; Mousavi, Reza
- Abstract:
- Membrane bioreactors are increasingly being used for treatment of domestic and industrial effluents. A major operational drawback of this system is membrane fouling attributed to soluble microbial products (SMPs). In this study sampling were taken from microbial products on the surface and within the membrane pores and mixed liquir for mass characterization of protein content. Water-washing was used for surface and reversible portion of pore samples. Chemical wash with urea was used for further cleansing of SMPs within the pores. All samples were concentrate by precipitation with ammonium sulfate salt prior to analysis. Total protein content of samples was measured by lowry method. SDS-PAGE electrophoresis method according Laemmli protocol was used to determine mass profile of protein content.
Results indicated higher protein mass in water-washable residuals inside the membrane pores relative to water-wash membrane surface and in-pore chemical wash SMPs. However, the removal of membrane surface film had more effect on reducing the tansmembrane pressue than the other two components. SDS-PAGE results showed different mass profiles for various films. Proteins trapped in surface film were larger than 116 kDa, whereas pore proteins had lower mass - Keywords:
- Proteins ; Membrane Bioreactor ; Soluble Microbial Product (SMP) ; Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate ; Electrophoretic
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