
Seismic Response of Zipper Inverted-V Braced Frame with Unequal Buckling-Restrained Braces

Zarrineghbal, Alireza | 2014

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 46840 (19)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Civil Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Ahmadizadeh, Mehdi
  7. Abstract:
  8. This study presents the advantages of using unsymmetrical buckling restrained braces in zipper frames for simultaneous improvement of peak and residual response of low- and mid-rise buildings. It is demonstrated that such combination allows for the usage of benefits of each of these systems, namely the significant energy dissipation capacity of buckling restrained braces and better distribution of hysteretic energy dissipation demands through the elevation observed in zipper frames. It has already been shown that using buckling restrained braces of varying yield strengths within each story of a building can improve the residual response of buckling-restrained-braced frames without severely affecting the peak demands. Such configuration, however, will require the use of different buckling restrained braces in an x-braced span, or when dictated by architectural requirements, as multiple symmetric chevron-braced ones to avoid the exertion of large unbalanced force to the beams or formation of soft stories. Alternatively, as explored in this study, asymmetric buckling restrained braces can be installed in zipper braced frames, where the unbalanced forces at the chevron vertex are handled by vertical zipper elements and braces in the stories above. In addition to substantially reducing the unbalanced force demands on beams and preventing the concentration of damages in a single story, the zipper elements are known to help better distribute the lateral force demands throughout the elevation. In this study, it is attempted to combine these desirable properties with those of asymmetric buckling restrained braces to reduce the number of occupied spans and improve the overall seismic performance of chevron-braced frames
  9. Keywords:
  10. Inverted-V-Bracing ; Buckliny Restrained Braces (BRB)Arrangment ; Concentrically Braced Frame ; Zipper Column ; Strength Ratio

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