
Strategic Requirements of Petroleum Upstream Supply Chain Management

Khorrami, Hamed | 2015

449 Viewed
  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 46864 (01)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Industrial Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Fatahi Valilai, Omid
  7. Abstract:
  8. Nowadays the concept of competition in business has been expanded from enterprises to supply chains. For success in this competitive environment, it should be established complete coordination and synchronization between different rings of the chain in both strategy and operations. The supply chain management is a factor for achieving to this purpose. Effective supply chain management, especially in complex supply chains like petroleum upstream supply chain, requires to strategic factors that propel the chain to the long term goals. Unfortunately, it is showing off the vacancy of attending to this case in the literature. This thesis tries to fill this gap in literature with a new approach and a comprehensive look to all levels from strategy to implementation. In this trend with the help of subject literature, strategic requirements of petroleum upstream supply chain management was extracted. As these extracted strategic requirements were offered in the special case of petroleum upstream supply chain and were general concepts, their implementation process needed to map them to the more common and more detailed concepts. Therefore, it was referred to the literature again, this time in the general subject of supply chain, and common functionalilties of strategic requirements in the supply chain management was identified and introduced and each of strategic requirements was written to a linear combination of common functionalities. Now strategic requirements can be implemented in the chain with the help of defined common functionalities, but before that we are facing some main questions. First, are offered strategic requirements convergent in implementation and doesn’t cause to apply divergent forces in the chain and to move in the opposite side of the ends of the study. Second, what tools should be used for implementation to get the maximum rate of achieving goals. For answering to the first question, it has been studied the convergence of strategic requirements and has been observed that there is no significant lack of convergence for implementation in the chain. Then for answering to the second question, it has been used from the tool of Balanced Scorecard. But using BSC to implement strategies faces a big challenge, which has resulted to fail BSC implementation in many cases. This challenge has observed as an ambiguous transmission of concepts from strategic to operational levels, and has caused to misunderstand the strategies by operational managers and as a result not tend to suitable implementation. For passing this challenge with a creative approach and a cascade look to the BSC model, we have been offered an framework to implement strategic requirements in petroleum upstream supply chain management. This framework maps the strategic requirements from the strategy level to the most operational level of the chain (Project). Finally, the method of functionality of the offered framework to implement strategic requirements, has been examined by a case study in NIOC
  9. Keywords:
  10. Supply Chain Management (SCM) ; Balanced Scorecard ; Strategic Requirements ; Petroleum Upstream Supply Chain

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