Kondo resonance from p-wave hybridization in graphene
Jafari, S. A ; Sharif University of Technology
- Type of Document: Article
- DOI: 10.1088/0953-8984/26/41/415601
- Abstract:
- The p-wave hybridization in graphene present a distinct class of Kondo problem in pseudogap Fermi systems with bath density of states (DOS) ρ0(ε) ∝ |ε|. The peculiar geometry of substitutional and hollow-site ad-atoms, and effectively the vacancies allow for a p-wave form of momentum dependence in the hybridization of the associated local orbital with the Dirac fermions of the graphene host which results in a different picture than the s-wave momentum independent hybridization. For the p-wave hybridization function, away from the Dirac point we find closed-form formulae for the Kondo temperature TKwhich in contrast to the s-wave case is non-zero for any value of hybridization strength V of the single impurity Anderson model (SIAM). At the Dirac point where the DOS vanishes, we find a conceivably small value of Vminabove which the Kondo screening takes place even in the presence of particle-hole symmetry. We also show that the non-Lorentzian line shape of the local spectrum arising from anomalous hybridization function leads to much larger TKin vacant graphene compared to a metallic host with similar bandwidth and SIAM parameters
- Keywords:
- Kondo resonance ; Vacancy ; Vacancies ; Kondo resonances ; Graphene
- Source: Journal of Physics Condensed Matter ; Vol. 26, Issue. 41 , 2014 ; SSN: 09538984m
- URL: http://www.iopscience.iop.org./0953-8984/26/41/415601