
Foam stability and foam-oil interactions

Rashed Rohani, M ; Sharif University of Technology

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  1. Type of Document: Article
  2. DOI: 10.1080/10916466.2012.683920
  3. Abstract:
  4. Gas injection into reservoirs can be used to increase oil recovery. However, reservoir heterogeneity and high gas mobility reduce sweep efficiency and decrease recovery. Using foam can reduce gas mobility and therefore increase sweep efficiency. Foam is thermodynamically unstable, so it is important to predict the foam stability. In order to understand the influence of oil presence on foam stability, static experiments performed on foam by varying the type and amount of added oil and molecular weight of added alkane. Also static foam properties have been investigated by varying the surfactant concentration, ionic strength, composition of different salts in the sample, and addition of polymer
  5. Keywords:
  6. Foam ; Static foam properties ; Foams ; Ionic strength ; Petroleum reservoirs ; Addition of polymer ; EOR ; Foam properties ; Foam stability ; Foam-oil interactions ; Reservoir heterogeneity ; Static experiments ; Surfactant concentrations ; Stability
  7. Source: Petroleum Science and Technology ; Vol. 32, issue. 15 , May , 2014 , p. 1843-1850 ; ISSN: 10916466
  8. URL: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10916466.2012.683920?journalCode=lpet20#.VdwA0rW5JIE