
Surface/interface effects on the formation of misfit dislocation in a core-shell nanowire

Enzevaee, C ; Sharif University of Technology

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  1. Type of Document: Article
  2. DOI: 10.1080/14786435.2013.856527
  3. Abstract:
  4. The misfit strain within the core of a two-phase free-standing core-shell nanowire resulting in the generation of an edge misfit dislocation or an edge misfit dislocation dipole at the core-shell interface is considered theoretically within both the classical and surface/interface elasticity approaches. The critical conditions for the misfit dislocation generation are studied and discussed in detail with special attention to the non-classical surface/interface effect. It is shown that this effect is significant for fine cores of radius smaller than roughly 20 interatomic distances. The positive and negative surface/interface Lamé constants mostly make the generation of the misfit dislocation easier and harder, respectively. Moreover, the positive (negative) residual surface/interface tensions mostly make the generation of the misfit dislocation harder (easier). The formation of individual misfit dislocation is energetically more preferential in finer two-phase nanowires, while the formation of misfit dislocation dipole is more expectable in the coarser ones
  5. Keywords:
  6. Edge dislocation ; Core-shell interface ; Core-shell nanowires ; Critical condition ; Dislocation generation ; Elasticity approaches ; Inter-atomic distances ; Surface/interface ; Surface/interface effects ; Misfit accommodation ; Surface elasticities ; Edge dislocations ; Elasticity ; Dislocations (crystals) ; Nanowires ; Shells (structures)
  7. Source: Philosophical Magazine ; Volume 94, Issue 5 , 11 February , 2014 , Pages 492-519 ; ISSN: 14786435
  8. URL: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14786435.2013.856527#.VdMHln2D4_4