Introducing neural networks as a computational intelligent technique
Azizi, A ; Sharif University of Technology
- Type of Document: Article
- DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.464.369
- Abstract:
- Neural networks have been applied very successfully in the identification and control of dynamic systems. The universal approximation capabilities of the multilayer perceptron have made it a popular choice for modeling nonlinear systems and for implementing general-purpose nonlinear controllers. In this paper we try to model and control the mass-spring-damper mechanism as a 1 DOF system using neural networks. The control architecture used in this paper is Model reference controller (MRC) as one of the popular neural network control architectures
- Keywords:
- Control ; Dynamic systems ; Mass-spring-damper mechanism ; MRC ; Neural networks ; Computational intelligent techniques ; Function approximation ; Mass spring damper ; Modeling nonlinear system ; Multi layer perceptron ; Neural network control ; Universal approximation ; Controllers ; Dynamical systems ; Intelligent materials
- Source: Applied Mechanics and Materials ; Vol. 464 , 2014 , pp. 369-374 ; ISSN: 16609336
- URL: http://www.scientific.net/AMM.464.369