
Design, Numerical Simulationand and Experimental Study of a Batch-type Stirred Bioreactor

Pavir, Fereydoon | 2015

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 46942 (08)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Mechanical Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Saeedi, Mohammad Saeed
  7. Abstract:
  8. The stirred tank is one of the oldest device that widely used in different industrial. a special kind of stirred tank that clled bioreactor refer to any device which supplies required biological, biochemical and biomechanical engineered product. Since the aim of bioreactor is produce of desired biological product, it is essential to accurate monitoring internal and external transfer of nutrient, heat transfer, fluid velocity, Strain stress and medium PH. good design and application of bioreactor depend on product, organism, conditions for produce desired product and scale of produce. also cost of capital and function cost are important in bioreactor design. one of the most important application of stirred bioreactor is to suplly appropriate medium to culture microorganism include animal and palnt cells. The simulation of hydrodynamic fluid in bioreactor i.e velocity field, strain field and mixing to optimum design are important. In current study we used Computational Fluid Dynamic to investigate the flow field in bioreactoer. The LES and VOF model with Ansys Fluent 14.5 and Gambit software to simulation of fluid pattern are used. The PSIO method is used to couple the equation of pressure and velocity. We modeled the movieng of impeller with sliding mesh method that supplied in Fluent. This model has better accurate in comparison to multi refrence model.the result demonstrate the existence of large structures such as tip-vortex and loop flow fields around the impeller in stirred tank, and also some finer details. To ensure that the mixing is compeletly, we modeled the particle tracking. We released about 600 particles in bioreactor. And we found that the particle move in whole volume of bioreactor and didn’t deposit. The flow field inside stirred bioreactor were obtained experimentally using PIV method and the results were compared with the results of numerical simulations.the LES results are in good agreement with PIV experimental data
  9. Keywords:
  10. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) ; Velocity Field ; Strain Rate ; Particle Image Velocimetery (PIV) ; Volume of Fluid ; Stirred Tank Reactor ; Particles Tracking

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