Variable Formation & Decentralized Control of Multi-Quadrotor Having Same Dynamic System Using Consensus Algorithm
Adeli, Ali | 2015
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 47330 (05)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Mechanical Engineering
- Advisor(s): Sayyadi, Hassan
- Abstract:
- Since Formation control have potentail applications in civil and military industries, decenterlized control of formation control is studied in this work using consensus algorithm. A specific robot quadrotor with 3D motion is used in this work. Quadrotor is an underactuated vehicle. First, we derivate twice from dynamical equations of linear positions. Hence, we can obtain appropriate form using linearization of output equations for design a consensus control algorithm. It is needed to design fourth order control algorithm for control of multiagent systems, beacause of twice derivation. Two methods that have been used for formation control in many works are potential function method and consensus algorithm. Consensus algorithm can include some methods for configuring system. Also, local minimums problem, which exists in potential function method, does not exist in consensus algorithm. Hence, consensus algorithm is used in this work and a fourth order consensus algorithm is designed. First, an consensus algorithm is proposed. Then, its convergence analysis is done. It will be specified that already methods for stability proof can not be used in this work. In this work, we use from a novel method. We use from control coefficients of state feedback controller in our consensus algorithm. Then, we investigate consenus occurring using a computer program.This method has an advantage that stability is ensured for all balance graph having spanning tree. Also, other consensus algorithm is proposed that consensus final value can determined orbitrary using this algorithm. Collision avoidance is other important issue in multiagent systems. We use from sigmoid function in our work. It is also needed to solve a LMI for investigation of convergence speed. We use from our designed control coefficients in this LMI. Convergence speed is determined using this coefficients. Next, simulation and results are expressed for four agents to display appropriate operation of designed controller. Results display convergence to desired values with designed fourth order control algorithm. Moreover, a moving obstacle is considerd. This obstacle approach to first agent. Obstacle avoidance control term, avoid from collision to obstacle when obstacle inter to specified band around an agent
- Keywords:
- Obstacle Avoidance ; Collision Avoidance ; Nonlinear Dynamics ; Consensus Protocols ; Multiagent System ; Formation Control ; Consensus Protocols
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