Estimation of Origin-Destination Trip Matrix Using Mobile Phone Network’s Spatiotemporal Dataset
Moradi, Ehsan | 2015
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 47267 (09)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Civil Engineering
- Advisor(s): Shafahi, Yousef
- Abstract:
- Knowledge about travel demand patterns is an important requirement for strategic planning and management of urban transportation networks. Use of theoretical trip distribution models such as growth, gravity or intervening opportunities, estimation with the help of questionnaire surveys and development of volume- based O-D estimation methods have been major fields of scientific efforts in recent years.Rapid changes in land use and transportation networks especially in developing countries has raised the importance level of knowledge about changes in travel demand.Traditional approaches are costly, time consuming and suffer from inaccuracies, so, urban trustees are looking for cheap, accurate and fast methods of travel demand estimation.Development of location-aware technologies such as RFID, GPS, Bluetooth and mobile phone networks has renewed hopes of achieving that goal. The ability of location registration as a default feature in mobile phone networks infrastructure has simplified the collection of daily travel data from users. This feature along with salient growth of mobile phone penetration in communities will provide a suitable platform for large and less based samplings in statistical transportation studies. Recent researches conducted in use of mobile phone spatiotemporal dataset covers an extensive domain like movement pattern recognition, O-D estimation,travel time and speed estimation, map matching (route finding) and even mode or trip purpose separation.Establishing an operational framework for the estimation of O-D trip matrix and feasibility study in possibility of extracting other traffic data from mobile phone network dataset with the help of computer simulation is the main approach in this research
- Keywords:
- Mobile Telephony ; Simulation ; Activity-Based Demand Modeling ; Smoothing ; Origin-Destination Matrix ; Spatiotemporal Dataset
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