Numerical Investigation of Interaction Noise Using Rod-Airfoil Model
Hashemi Rabori, Zari | 2014
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 47339 (45)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Aerospace Engineering
- Advisor(s): Farshchi, Mohammad; Tayyebi Rahni, Mohammad
- Abstract:
- In this thesis the interaction noise created by fluid flow with low Mach number over a rod-airfoil model simulated. Some numerical and experimental benchmark data for comparison and validation of results exist in articles. The simulation done by using Fluent 6.3 which restricts the choice of turbulence models to only 2D URANS. A study was undertaken on the cylinder as case study where some experimental aerodynamic and acoustic data are available. In this case study, the best turbulence model, discretization scheme and grid sizing were investigated. The only turbulence model which has the ability to simulate the near field and far field with a relatively good degree of accuracy was K-ω SST model. By using this turbulence model some tests on grid sizing done and it concluded that grid fining to the porous surface make significant improvement in acoustic results. In modeling the rod-airfoil the results and lessons learned of rod simulation utilized. The time step size and grid sizing were investigated. Large time step leads to the results with low degree of accuracy but the periodic behavior in acoustic spectra was considered. Small time step predicts the maximum SPL and its frequency much better than large time step but no periodic behavior considered in the acoustic spectra. Investigation and studying the grid sizing into the porous surface with large and small time steps, are necessary but unfortunately has not undertaken in this thesis
- Keywords:
- Computational Aeroacoustics ; Numerical Investigation ; Intraction Noise ; Rod-Airfoil Model
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