Modeling, simulation and frequency-response identification of a quadrotor
Shadram, Z ; Sharif University of Technology | 2013
- Type of Document: Article
- DOI: 10.2316/P.2013.794-061
- Publisher: 2013
- Abstract:
- Due to their agile manoeuvrability and simplicity of construction, quadrotor are employed in a variety of applications. Most of their expenses are due to complex control systems, since, to reduce these expenses, low cost control methods which are based on linear models should be used to achieve an autonomous flight. First, the process of accurate dynamic modeling of a sample quad rotor which is simulated by MATLAB SIMULINK is presented. Then, a frequency sweep input stimulates the virtual model in order to identify a linear model based on frequency response analysis. Consequently, the desired linear model is obtained in both hover and yaw mode of motion. However, pitch and roll mode were too coupled, so the assumption of a linear model for these two modes contains considerable errors which cannot be ignored. Finally, stimulating both simplified linear and complex nonlinear system by a doublet input validate that the obtained model is appropriate. This paper proved that using linear model which is obtained by frequency response identification in both hover mode and yaw mode is reasonable as it can make the control system more affordable for an autonomous flight
- Keywords:
- Mathematical modelling and simulation ; Model validation ; Quad rotor ; System identification ; Autonomous flight ; Complex control systems ; Complex nonlinear system ; Frequency response analysis ; Manoeuvrability ; Quad rotors ; Flight control systems ; Frequency response ; Identification (control systems) ; MATLAB ; Mathematical models
- Source: Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control ; 2013 , Pages 476-483 ; 10258973 (ISSN) ; 9780889869431 (ISBN)
- URL: http://www.actapress.com/PaperInfo.aspx?paperId=455415