
Spectrum Sensing Based on Cyclostationary Detector with the Use of Transmission Period in Cognitive Radio Networks

Khorramshahi, Pirazh | 2015

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 47400 (05)
  4. Department: Electrical Engineering
  5. Advisor(s): Salehi, Javad
  6. Abstract:
  7. The different methods of spectrum sensing to identify the presence of signal transmission are as follows: Energy detectors, Cyclostationary detectors and Matched-filter detectors. Energy detectors are simple and easy to implement but they are unable to differentiate interference from primary users and noise. They also have a very poor performance in low SNR. Matched-filtering is the optimum method for detection of primary users and can achieve a certain detection performance in a short time but its implementation complexity is too high and requires perfect knowledge of primary user’s signaling features that makes its usage in cognitive radios infeasible. Among these detectors Cyclostationary detectors known as feature detectors have a good detection performance given suitable time duration specially in low SNR regime. By dividing the cognitive frame into sensing period and transmission period, in the proposed method neighbor channels can be sensed in the current channel transmission period which is much longer than sensing period. Also the previously used channel is sensed via energy detector in the sensing phase. By suitably combining the results from both detectors we can expect an elevated detection performance. Both analytic and simulated results support the claim
  8. Keywords:
  9. Cognitive Radio ; Spectrom Sensing ; Energy Detector ; Transmission Period ; Cyclostationary Detector

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