A Fine Grained Access Control Mechanism for Hybrid Mobile Applications in Android
Pooryousef, Shahrooz | 2015
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 47602 (19)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Computer Engineering
- Advisor(s): Kharrazi, Mehdi; Rabiee, HamidReza
- Abstract:
- Hybrid mobile applications combine the features of Web technologies and native mobile apps. Like Web applications, they are implemented in portable, platform independent languages such as HTML and JavaScript. Like native apps, they have direct access to local device resources. In these programs, web contents are loaded into a web component, called WebView, which can render HTML5 pages and execute JavaScript code. In order for the web content to access the system resources, which are isolated from the content inside Web-View due to its sandbox, bridges need to be built between JavaScript and the native code. developers usually use third party plug-ins for native side of application. hybrid application usually includes JavaScript from third party sources with different trust also. Privilege separation is critical in this applications. In this dissertation, we systematically analyze the complete access control requirements for mobile hybrid application and identify the fundamental lack of complete and fine-grained access control mechanisms in previous researches.Specifically, existing solutions only providing access control for web content in web side of application. As our solution, we propose an access control model called SecurePath that enables privilege separation and fine grained access control fot mobile hybrid applications. We have developed a proof-of-concept prototype of SecurePath for Android operation system 4.4.3 version. evaluation with sampled attacks indicates that SecurePath effectively provide fine grained access control with low performance overhead
- Keywords:
- Hybrid Mobile Applications ; Fine Grained Access Control ; Untrusted Content ; Privilege Separation
- محتواي کتاب
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- 1 مقدمه
- 2 مفاهیم پایه
- 3 کارهای پیشین
- 4 روش پیشنهادی
- 4.1 مدل حمله، نگرانیها و ایدهی پیشنهادی
- 4.1.1 مشکل اول: موجودیت تفکیک مجوز
- 4.1.2 راهکار برای مشکل اول: تعریف موجودیتهای مستقل و کامل برای برنامههای ترکیبی
- 4.1.3 مشکل دوم : اعتماد به بخش محلی برنامه
- 4.1.4 راهکار برای مشکل دوم: محدود کردن مجوزهای بخش محلی
- 4.1.5 مشکل سوم:تفاوت در مدل کنترل دسترسیِ دو بخش برنامه
- 4.1.6 راهکار برای مشکل سوم: کنترل دسترسی در دو نقطه
- 4.2 مدل کنترل دسترسی پیشنهادی
- 4.3 نتیجهگیری
- 4.1 مدل حمله، نگرانیها و ایدهی پیشنهادی
- 5 پیادهسازی
- 6 ارزیابی روش پیشنهادی
- 7 نتیجهگیری و کارهای آتی
- واژهنامهی فارسی به انگلیسی
- واژهنامهی انگلیسی به فارسی