
Detemining the thickness of barriers and well of Resonance Tunneling Diodes by specified I-V characteristic

Shahhoseini, A ; Sharif University of Technology

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  1. Type of Document: Article
  2. DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.110-116.5464
  3. Abstract:
  4. In this paper, a method of determining physical dimension of Double Barrier Quantum Well (DBQW) of Resonance Tunneling Diodes (RTDs) is presented by using I-V characteristic governing on them. In this procedure, first we have used performance metrics related to RTDs I-V characteristic such as Peak to Valley Current Ratio (PVCR), peak current density (JP), valley current density (JV) and Voltage Swing (VS), and by some other arbitrary points, we have fitted a curve to the RTD current-voltage equation by MATLAB software. Then we have obtained the physical parameter of I-V equation and adjusted some of them with modification coefficients. Next, by choosing the material of barriers and the well and amount of doping, we have calculated the thicknesses of both. To review the mentioned method, the experimental result of I-V characteristic of the sample structure DBQW is considered and we have come to this idea that the dimensions gained out of this method are highly correlated with those of the experimental sample
  5. Keywords:
  6. Arbitrary points ; Current-voltage equations ; Double Barrier Quantum Well(DBQW) ; Double barrier quantum wells ; Highly-correlated ; I-V equation ; IV characteristics ; Matlab- software ; Modification coefficient ; Peak current density ; Peak to valley current ratio ; Performance metrics ; Physical dimensions ; Physical parameters ; Resonance Tunneling Diode(RTD) ; Resonance-tunneling diode ; Sample structure ; Voltage swings ; Aerospace engineering ; Curve fitting ; Diodes ; Resonance ; Semiconductor quantum wells ; Resonant tunneling diodes
  7. Source: Applied Mechanics and Materials ; Volume 110-116 , 2012 , Pages 5464-5470 ; 16609336 (ISSN) ; 9783037852620 (ISBN)
  8. URL: http://www.scientific.net/AMM.110-116.5464