
Chemical and Biological Phosphate Removal with a Fixed Bed Reactors Under Low Organic Load

Torkemandi, Hamideh | 2015

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 47765 (06)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Borgheei, Mahdi
  7. Abstract:
  8. Eutrophication and algae growth is one of the consequences of high concentration of nutrients in surface water bodies; therefore, both phosphorus and nitrogen existing in wastewater or at least one of them should be decreased to a standard amount before entering water to rivers. This can prevent eutrophication and detriment to the ecosystem of rivers. An investigation on both biological and chemical phosphorus and carbon removal in low loading rate influent ( below 100) has been carried out in this research. Investigated topics includes aerobic COD removal in IFAS reactor, comparison of biological nutrient removal to the combination of chemical and biological method, effect of the order of biological and chemical methods on nutrient removal efficiency, effect of rising proportion of coagulator to phosphorus concentration from 1 to 2, and the effect of this change along with change in influent composition (100:5:1 to 100:5:2 for C: N: P). Average and maximum removal using biological processes has been reported 81According to obtained results, using biological processes prior to chemical ones result in better performance of system: phosphorus average and maximum removal increases from 81 to 89
  9. Keywords:
  10. Eutrophication ; Ferric Chloride ; Biological Phosphorus Removal ; Phosphorus Chemical Removal ; Fixed Bed Bioreactor ; Integrated Fixed Bed and Activated Sludge

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