Analytical Evaluation and Parametric Study of RBS (Ribbed Bracing System)with Finite Element Method
Mazaherimeybodi, Forouzandeh | 2015
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 47962 (09)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Civil Engineering
- Advisor(s): Golafshani, Ali Akbar; Toufigh, Vahab
- Abstract:
- In this research, an innovative system, called ribbed bracing system (RBS), proposed to deal with poor performance and deficiency of brace buckling under compression loads. RBS is an additional component added to common brace system which prevents the buckling problem of conventional bracing systems. By applying tensile load, the ribs lock together and the system starts enduring tension. Since the compressive force begins, ribs slide on each other and the system endures only a trivial force. Two kinds of RBS mechanism are introduced: completely-closed RBS (CC-RBS) and self-centering RBS (SC-RBS). In the former mechanism, the length of the brace is reduced by applying compression loads; while in the latter mechanism, the system starts enduring tensile loading just after reaching the initial length. This research mainly focuses on evaluating parametric study of RBS. For this purpose, analyses have been conducted and the accuracy of the proposed model is checked by the comparison with experimental results; a satisfactory agreement is obtained and RBS can be used as a useful bracing system to prevent buckling problem. By considering different FE models, approximately the most effective dimensions of ribs are determined. Furthermore, different sizes of RBS are modeled to obtain suitable size for different levels of force in multi-storey structures
- Keywords:
- Ribbed Bracing System (RBS) ; ABAQUS Software ; Earthquake Resistance
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