
Maximizing the Number of Adjacencies in a Multi Floor Facility Layout Problem with Unequal Rectangular Departments

Neghabi, Hossein | 2015

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  1. Type of Document: Ph.D. Dissertation
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 48132 (01)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Industrial Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Ghasemi-Taromi, Farhad; Hajji, Alireza
  7. Abstract:
  8. Facility layout problem (FLP) is one of classical optimization problem in engineering science. The theoretical attractiveness and practical applications of the problem have created a rich literature in the FLP. There are varieties of measure of effectiveness’s for the FLPs, such as minimizing the space cost; minimizing the handing cost; maximizing the adjacencies; maximizing the safety and etc. Maximization of the adjacencies is a common measure of effectiveness, which is addressed in many related literatures especially, in continuous process facility layout. Using of the classical definition of the adjacency usually impose some restrictions on the layout designs. Due to these restrictions we proposed some new concepts of the adjacency by which a more flexible layout designs can be obtained. Therefore, in this thesis some new concepts of adjacency will be presented and based on these concepts four layout models will be developed. In first model, the classical binary definition of adjacencies has been replaced by new bounded continuous definitions (adjacency degree). By this definition a linear correlation between the adjacency degree and the common boundary length (CBL), is proposed. Through this correlation, as the size of CBL is increased their associated adjacency degree is proportionally increased. In second model, the distance between two departments and their associate adjacency degree is considered to be inversely correlated. Though this concept, as the distance between two departments increases, the amount of adjacency between them proportionally decreases. In third model, the new concepts are applied to the multi-floor layout design and a mathematical model with unequal department area is proposed. In this model maximizing the number of useful adjacencies among departments is considered. The adjacencies are divided into two major categories of horizontal adjacency and vertical adjacency. Finally in fourth model, the utility of arrangement is considered as the measure of effectiveness for evaluating the different solutions. To obtain an optimal layout based on the new utility's definition, a mathematical model is developed. The efficiency and flexibility of the all four modes are evaluated by solving an illustrative example and nine test problems and the results are presented and deliberated
  9. Keywords:
  10. Facility Layout ; Multi Floor Facility Layout ; Departments Adjacency ; Common Boundary Length ; Adjacency Degree ; Arrangement Utility

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