A Detailed Finite Element Model of the Lumbar Spine under Muscle Forces
Asadi, Hamed | 2015
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 48189 (08)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Mechanical Engineering
- Advisor(s): Arjmand, Navid
- Abstract:
- Etiological studies proves the fact that Low Back Pain (LBP) is one of the most expensive and prevalent desease all over the world. This fact illustrates the reqiurment of the special effort in ordet to reducing the pain due to this problem. Finite element modeling of human spine is one the suitable methods to simulate the behavior of human spine in different loading conditions. These conditions could be different daily occupational tasks. There is two general viewpoint toward finite element modeling of human spine. The fisrt method focuses on the detailed geometry and mechanical properties of spine, while the other complexities such as detailed muscle forces are overlooked. The latter focuses on the detailed loading in different occupational tasks while the geometry of lumbar spine is considered too simple. For instance, different motion segments are considered as three dimentional beams with nonlinear mechanical properties. By considering this two general methods, generating a model with an exhaustive geomrtry and a detailed muscle forces could be a novel model. The main purpose of this project is simulating a detailed finite element model of human spine by considering detailed muscle forces. Firstly, the passive model of human spine with comlex geometry and mechanical properties is generated in ABAQUS software. After simulating the passive model, the detailed muscle forces are assigned to the model. The results had a great matching with previous simulations in literature and reported experimental data. After simulating the passive model, distinct occupational tasks are studied by considering the detailed muscle. The results prove the fact that there is a great correlation between intervertebral rotations, muscle forces in each level, contacts’ forces and intradiscal pressure in each level. Generally, intradiscal pressure will decrease in the conditions were the contact forces are increased. Additionally, the equivalent muscle forces in the upper surface of each motion segment, plays an important role in the amount of intradiscal pressure.
- Keywords:
- Biomechanical Models ; Musculoskeletal Modeling ; Finite Element Modeling ; Lumbar Spine Portion
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- 5.1.9 شبیهسازی غیرفعال مدل T12-S1
- 5.1.10 مقایسه مدل T12-S1 و مدل اسکلتی عضلانی در حالت غیرفعال
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- 5.1 نتایج شبیهسازی ستونمهرهها به صورت غیرفعال
- 6 فصل ششم بحث و نتیجهگیری بحث و نتیجهگیری
- 7 منابع و مراجع