
Design and Modeling of a Solar Combined Cooling, Heating and Power System and it’s Validation with Empirical Results

Yassaghi, Hamed | 2016

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 48160 (46)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Energy Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Saboohi, Yadollah
  7. Abstract:
  8. Due to the growth of energy consumption the use of new technologies and efficient energy conversion is necessary. An example of efficient energy conversion technology is CCHP (Combined Cooling, Heating and Power). The aim of the present research work is to develop a model that could be applied for optimal design of a hybrid CCHP system which would be Solar Combined Cooling, Heating and Power (SCCHP). In order to do so,microturbine power system, cooling and heating equipment’s such as absorption system and heat exchanger and also solar collector have been considered as an integral part of the system. The objective of the application of the model has been to identify proper sizing of all equipment’s according to the useful energy demand profile. The model may be applied for analysis of two strategies: variable output of microturbine power and constant output for microtuebine power. In the First strategy the output of the microturbine power is estimated to be 3.5 KW. In the second strategy the system reaches an optimum point for the working microturbine which would be 2.4 KW. At first the useful energy demand profile is estimated for a sample residential building. Then the equipments are modeled as an integral part of the whole system. The model is developed with the help of MATLAB.Then a laboratory system is simulated and it is installed at Sharif Energy Research Institute. The laboratory system contains a 100cc engine, shell & tube heat exchanger, coil and a pump. The results of the laboratory system are compared to the results of the model and the model was then validated based on the empirical results
  9. Keywords:
  10. Microturbine ; Optimal Design Procedure ; Solar Collectors ; Laboratary Study ; Combine Cooling Heating and Power (CCHP) ; Solar Combined Cooling, Heating and Power

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