Simulation & Design of a Gamma Scanner System for Radioactive Waste Drums with Low and Intermediate Level Activity
Bagheri, Hamed | 2016
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 48326 (46)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Energy Engineering
- Advisor(s): Samadfam, Mohammad
- Abstract:
- In this thesis, a Segmented Gama Scanning System for measuring total activity of the low/intermediate level radioactive waste drums is designed and a prototype 3-segmented commercial system is manufactured by using NaI detectors. The optimum distance of detector from drum surface and the optimum number of detectors on reconstruction of the radioactivity of the waste drum were studied by MCNP simulations. In addition, the effects of inhomogeneous distribution of radioactivity, the addition of lead filters to detectors, the change in collimator length and the asymmetrical placement of a drum on the rotary plate were also examined by the MCNP calculations. In the absence of a real radioactive waste drum, in order to experimentally validate the manufactured gamma scanner, the activity of 6 sealed standard sources of Cs-137 and Co-60, randomly placed in different positions inside drum, were measured by the system. An average of a total 18 measurements (each measurement with its randomly-determined position for radioactive sources) was taken as the total activity of the drum. The total activities of the Cs and Co, as determined by the system, show that despite the high degree of inhomogeneity in the radioactivity distribution, there is a good agreement between the measured activities and real activities of the sources (only 15.8% and 3% difference for Cs and Co, respectively)
- Keywords:
- Activity Calculation ; Waste Barrel ; Nuclear Waste ; Gamma Scanner ; Segmented Gamma Scanner
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