Numerical Modelling of Buried Pipelines at Different Angles in Soil Slopes under Dynamic Loading Based on Physical Shaking Table Tests
Heidari, Sina | 2016
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 48465 (09)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Civil Engineering
- Advisor(s): Jafarzadeh, Fardin
- Abstract:
- The purpose of presented thesis, is modeling of the buried pipelines in soil slopes under dynamic loading using experiments on the physical model. Hence, numerical models based on five physical models, which are built and experimented on Sharif University of Technology’s shaking table device, have been analyzed using ABAQUS finite element software. In each model, several pipes are buried in slope, and the angle-wise placement of pipes differs with respect to slope slide. For the purposes of modeling, the experiment box has been modeled as rigid body. In order to model the soil behavior, Strain –dependent nonlinear elasticity, and mohr-coulomb criterion, has been employed. In addition, aluminum made pipes, with exterior diameter of 16 millimeters and wall thickness of 1 millimeters, with elasto-plastic behavior have been considered. In the proposed numerical models, the dimensions of the box and the slope are the same as experimental dimensions.
At first stage, using the results obtained by physical models, numerical model of the slope without pipes has been measured based on displacement responses and acceleration, and it has been calibrated with selection of acceptable parameters for soil, and it has been observed that appropriate selection of aforementioned parameters with respect to characteristics of the soil, is a very important factor and has a significant effect on results. As for the second stage, pipes have been placed in the slope at different angles and analyzed in four models, and the results are compared to those of the physical model. Accordingly, the critical zone for slope, is the upper half of the slope, and the effect of pipe deviations for the purpose of reduction of the strains in accordance with the physical model, is observed - Keywords:
- Numerical Modeling ; Dynamic Loading ; Shaking Table Test ; Finite Element Method ; ABAQUS Software ; Soil Slope
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