
Numerical Investigation of MILD Combustion in a Gas Turbine Model

Fazlollahi-Ghomshi, Alireza | 2016

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 48505 (45)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Aerospace Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Mardani, Amir
  7. Abstract:
  8. MILD combustion under high preheating and high dilution condition illustrates some interesting characteristics. Very low oxygen concentration in the reaction zone and reduced chemical reaction rates compared to conventional combustion are some of these features which make MILD combustion to be an unique type of combustion. In this work numerical investigation of a gas turbine model combustor (GTMC) was aimed to done using model of the EDC as turbulence-chemistry interaction combustion model. Modeling was performed by solving RANS equations and RSM equations for a 2D axisymmetric computational domain. The combustion chamber was investigated for both reacting and non-reacting conditions. A detailed reduced mechanism of DRM22 (with 22 species and 104 reactions) was used to represent the chemical reactions. In order to check the performance of the EDC combustion model, another combustion model of TPDF was considered. In coniniation, next phase of study was devoted to design a procedure to achive condition under which GTMC can operate under MILD condition. Finally numerical investigation of GTMC under MILD condition was done and effect of preheating, dilution and pressure on MILD combustion were studied comprehensivly in terms of performance of GTMC under MILD combustion. Results show that preheating individually can not guaranty a more efficient combustion in terms of MILD combustion characteritics, Furthermore they illustrate that combustion process can not be continued under over diluting condition. moreover, results show that achieving MILD condition under high pressure situation is difficult
  9. Keywords:
  10. Preheating ; Pressure ; Turbulence Model ; Combustion Chamber ; Gas Turbines ; Moderate or Intense Low Axygen Dilution (MILD) ; Gas Turbine Model Combuster (GTMC) ; Dilution

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