Thermal Analysis of Dry Spent Fuel Transportation System of BNPP
Yousefi, Mohammad Amin | 2015
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 48530 (46)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Energy Engineering
- Advisor(s): Samadfam, Mohammad
- Abstract:
- Spent fuel assemblies are kept in spent fuel maintenance pools, designed at the vicinity of the reactor, after consuming. As capacity of these pools are limited, fuel assemblies should be transported to outside of the reactor building for maintenance. Transportation cask is used for this reason which is Russian type, named TUK-13, at Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant. The aim of this project is to ensure proper removal of heat from the transportation cask(TUK-13). For this purpose, numerical computational fluid dynamics method is used. The software used in this study is the Comsol. The temperature range suitable for any part of the chamber is different; but the most sensitive and the most important part that must be in certain temperature range, is the fuel assemblies. For long-term maintenance, temperature of fuel assembly should not exceed 345 ° C. The results of this simulation show that the chamber of TUK-13 has the appropriate thermohydraulic conditions for long-term maintenance
- Keywords:
- Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) ; COMSOL Software ; Spent Fuel ; Spent Fuel Transfer System ; Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant ; Thermal Analysis
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