Determining the Effect of Soil and Pile Parameters on the Load Sharing Ratio in Piled Raft
Yazdani, Ahmad | 2015
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 48602 (09)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Civil Engineering
- Advisor(s): Ahmadi, Mohammad Mehdi
- Abstract:
- In previous studies, effect of certain parameters such as soil K0 on piled raft load sharing ratio α_pr was not considered. Here, α_pr is ratio of pile group load to total load. In this study, we consider the effect of pile length (L), pile spacing (s), raft thickness (t), raft modulus of elasticity (Er), pile modulus of elasticity (Ep), coefficient of lateral earth pressure, and pile concentration. Soil is undrained clay with typical properties. Raft is made of concrete and piles are cast in-place. Modeling is done in FLAC 3D. To determine the effect of these parameters we calculated load sharing ration of piled raft at 10 cm settlement which is typical for design. Based on the results of this study, the most important parameters that had an effect on piles raft load sharing ratio were k0, L, spacing to pile diameter ratio (s/d), and pile concentration. By increasing K0, s/d, and pile concentration α_pr decreases. By increasing L α_pr increases. Also α_pr is independent of raft thickness, raft and pile group modulus and soil density. We also evaluated existing formula for determining piled raft load sharing ratio. We found that formula of de Sanctis and Mandolini has a good accuracy for calculating α_pr but does not take into account soil K0 and pile length
- Keywords:
- Piled-Raft Foundations (PRF) ; Clay Parameters ; Piled-Raft Loadsharing Ratio ; Undraind Clay Soil ; Cast In-Place Pile
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