
A Novel Framework for Virtual Computer Integrated Manufacturing Paradigm Using Axiomatic Design Theory

Delaram, Jalal | 2016

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 48719 (01)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Industrial Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Fatahi Valilai, Omid
  7. Abstract:
  8. Nowadays, the manufacturing environments have been faced with the globalization paradigm. This paradigm urges the new necessities for manufacturing environments like concentration on customer demands, focus on increase of quality and its continuous improving trend and shortening the products’ lifecycle. These necessities have been considered by many researchers and have led to different ideas in the field of effective and efficient product development and after sales services. Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) is known as the major research field for study, development and proposal of effective IT solutions to fulfill the aforementioned necessities. This research filed has resulted to incredible revolutions and improvements in the whole manufacturing enterprises. However, considering the immense rate of globalized manufacturing environment complexities, the traditional CIM solutions can be criticized by major deficiencies like shortage to support the complexity for scheduling and resource allocation over the globe, global facility sharing problems and communication obstacle, and the absence of an efficient way to handle lifecycle issues by considering the globalization paradigm. Recently, the Virtual CIM (VCIM) has been introduced as one of the most effective methodologies to extend the traditional CIM solutions for a globalized level. This paper has investigated the recent dominant researches in the field of VCIM/CIM solutions especially by considering the necessities of todays’ globalized manufacturing environment. Suggesting the major requirements and characteristics of an effective global VCIM solution, the researchers are fully studied. The paper shows the lack of an effective solution which fulfills whole requirements and necessities of globalized VCIM solution. Considering this lack, the paper proposes an effective VCIM solution called Five Layer Architecture to cover the requirements and necessities of a global VCIM solution. As the complexity of the research is high, the paper uses a famous theory to insure the feasibility of the proposed solution called Axiomatic Design (AD) Theory. This theory is used for both insuring the proposed enterprise architecture and also to verify the feasibility of the implementation aspects of Five Layer Architecture. The implementation of Five Layer Architecture is considered based on realizing the ISO standards through the manufacturing enterprise. The results have approved the feasibility of the proposed architecture for manufacturing enterprises and its implementation aspects
  9. Keywords:
  10. Computer Integrated Manufacturing ; Axiomatic Design ; Manufacturing ; Implementation ; ISO Standards ; Manufacturing Enterprise Architecture

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