An Investigation Into Improving Double And Triple Glazed Windows
Nikta, Mohammad Mahdi | 2016
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 48749 (09)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Civil Engineering
- Advisor(s): Arhami, Mohammad
- Abstract:
- Windows are the main source of energy loss in buildings. One way to improve thermal performance of insulation windows is to use inert gases in them. Some of these gases are expensive and there is a need to find the optimum mixture of theses gases with cheaper ones in order to reduce the initial price of these windows. In the first section of this research through calculating the U-Value, thermal performance of sample windows which are filled with different mixtures of Argon, Carbon dioxide and Air is investigated in order to determine the optimum mixture of them. For this purpose a two and a three glazed sample window was prepared and each one was filled with different ratios of the mentioned gases and their experimental and theoretical U-Value was determined and compared with each other. It was observed that mixing Air with Carbon dioxide and Argon improves it’s thermal perfomance greatly but using a mixture of Carbon dioxide and Argon doesn’t make a noticable difference in their performance. In the second section of this research, life cycle assesment analysis was performed on windows that use different mixture of gases and framing systems. The required energy for their production and the Carbon dioxide emissions for generating this energy due to energy generating processes in Iran is calculated. For this purpose embodied energy is calculated for each of the gas mixtures and common framing systems, furthermore the produced Carbon dioxide due to producing one joule electricity in Iran is calculated and by using their results the produced Carbon dioxide in the process of production of each window was determined and compared with each other and it was observed that using aluminum framing and xenon gas will result in a noticable increase in embodied energy of the window
- Keywords:
- Noble Gases ; Energy Conservation ; Energy Consumption ; Energy Dissipation ; Insulating Window ; Double Glazed Window ; Triple Glazed Window ; Vacuum Insulated Window
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