Applying Gamification in Corporate Entrepreneurship Culture, Specially Missionary Organizations; Through SafirFilm Case Study
Jafarian, Hamid Reza | 2015
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 48844 (44)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Management and Economics
- Advisor(s): Yavari, Elham; Banki, Sara
- Abstract:
- Although existing literature on organizational culture and its change process contains meaningful and rich theories but our studies show that there is no perfect and detailed framework on linking organizational culture change and corporate entrepreneurship culture. In addition to that, Gamification –defined as taking the game design elements into non-game contexts– is a fruitful and academically rich research area. Fortunately an idea proposed recently to explain a method for enhancements in organizational culture in general, and in corporate entrepreneurship culture in particularby Yavari and Jafarian based on using game mechanisms. In their paper "A Gamification-Based Method for Corporate Entrepreneurship Cultural Enhancement ", a method for using game elements and achieving to strategic lines for Corporate Entrepreneurship Cultural Enhancement has been proposed. At the end of paper, it is declared that empirical researches to support this framework and discuss on using that in different contexts is required.In this dissertation we are trying to answer this questions: By using game mechanisms is it possible to enhance learning from failure, team work and innovation in a corporate? If yes, under which situations and in what contexts? And what is the effect of gamification on each elements of corporate entrepreneurship culture in different kind of staffs? So after reviewing literature and debating on various aspects of mentioned framework, we studied Safirfilm a missionary documentary film making corporate. In this empirical research, by using quantitative and qualitative data and mixed analysis, remarkable results obtained. And now with more confidence we can say that using game mechanisms might be a suitable approach to enhance some elements of corporate entrepreneurship culture such as learning from failure and innovation orientation
- Keywords:
- Corporate Entrepreneurship ; Innovation ; Organizational Culture ; Cultural Change ; Nonprofit Organization ; Teamwork Model ; Missionary Organizations ; Gamification ; Learning from Failure
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