
Synthesis and Properties of PZT-PCN Ceramics

keshavarzi, Mostafa | 2016

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 48892 (07)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Materials Science and Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Nemati, Ali; Seyyed Reyhani, Morteza
  7. Abstract:
  8. Today, base lead piezoelectrics are the center of attention due to their very good electrical properties, and low cost of production. Among these ceramics are PZT which is a combination of Pb(ZrxTi1-x)O3 and PCN which is a combination of Pb(CoxNb1-x)O3. PZT is a normal piezoelectric whose dielectric properties would be improved if relaxor is added. PCN is ferroelectric with perovskite structure and curie temperature -27℃ which is known as a relaxor with high constant dielectric properties. In this research, adding PCN to PZT was done by sol-gel seeding method. Calcination at a temperature of 900℃ was causing the creation of single-phase perovskite powder. After that, conventional sintering operations were performed at different temperatures. The best temperature for conventional sintering was reported to be 1150℃ for 2 hours. At this temperature, the bulk density 7.51 gr/cm3, dielectric constant 1223 and piezoelectric charge constant 248 pC/N was measured. Studies show that increasing temperature for conventional sintering process was leading to unwanted phase. In this study, two-step sintering was used to remove the pyrochlore phase that was created at high temperature. The results show that this method has resulted in the removal of this phase. The best electrical properties was for sample that sintered by two step sintering method in the initial temperature of T1=1200 ℃ and maintenance of the duration of 12 hours at a temperature of T2=1000℃. In this case, the density 7.73 gr/cm3, dielectric constant 1397 and piezoelectric charge constant 337 pc/N was reported
  9. Keywords:
  10. Two Step Sintering ; Piezoelectricity ; Sol-Gel Method ; PZT-PCN Ceramic ; Piezoelectric Ceramic

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