Optical Circuits Made of Spoof Plasmonic Structures with Wide-Band Transmission Resonance and the Impact of Fano Resonance
Rahmani, Babak | 2016
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 49055 (05)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Electrical Engineering
- Advisor(s): Mehrany, Khashayar
- Abstract:
- Due to the growing need for plasmonic wavs in microwave and terahertz spectra, a periodic arrangement of one-dimensional cut-through slits is investigated and an equivalent model based on the effective medium theory is derived. In contrast to the all previous attempts that were successful in mimicking only the zeroth-order diffracted waves, the proposed effective medium is capable of mimicking all diffraction orders. The parameters of the equivalent model are established by comparing the scattered waves of the semi-homogeneous medium and those of the main structure obtained by invoking the rigorous mode matching approach based on the single mode approximation inside the slits. This medium is characterized by diagonal anisotropic permittivity and permeability tensors together with a periodic surface conductivity at the interface of the metallic grating and the ambient environment. It has been demonstrated that all non-specular diffraction orders can be meticulously modeled by taking advantage of the periodicity of the surface conductivity. The proposed model can be used to relate the sharp resonant EOT to the analytical expression given for Fano type asymmetric resonance. This finds applications in devising filters working based on the characteristics of Fano resonance. Furthermore, the proposed model is further used for modeling of a graphene-covered metallic grating. The strong absorption in this structure is also explained using a homogeneous effective medium model
- Keywords:
- Fano Resonances ; Graphene ; Spoof Plasmonic Waves ; Optical Circuits ; Cut-Through Slits ; Periodic Surface Conductivity
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