Modeling, Identification and Control of an Electrostatically Suspended Gyroscope
Siahatgar, Mohammad | 2016
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 49105 (45)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Aerospace Engineering
- Advisor(s): Ghanbarpour Asl, Habib
- Abstract:
- This paper presents a novel method for satellite attitude determination, using Electrostatically Suspended gyroscope (ESG). In this method, two superconducting rings rotated around a spherical rotor, which causes a variable flux in rings. So according to faraday’s law of induction, a voltage will be induced in the rings. Using this voltage and a kalman filter, attitude of satellite will be determined. ESG works precisely, when the rotor is maintain at the center of gyroscope cavity, between three pairs of circular electrode, so a backstepping control algorithm will be designed In order to this purpose. The performance of attitude determination using this ESG and designed control algorithm is evaluated by six degree of freedom simulation of satellite in MALAB software
- Keywords:
- Capacitance Sensor ; Backstepping Algorithm ; Kalman Filters ; Electrostatically Suspended Gyroscope (ESG) ; Readout Loop
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