Investigating the Economy-wide Rebound Effects from Adopting Fiscal Policies to Mitigate Pollution Emission
Miri, Mohammad | 2016
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 49382 (46)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Energy Engineering
- Advisor(s): Saboohi, Yadollah; Adel Barkhordar, Zahra
- Abstract:
- For policy and decision makers, controlling pollution emissions are a real challenge. The best way to collect fiscal resources, optimal distribution of them to developing businesses in optimal energy production and reducing emissions, are important issues to be decided. Finding a monetary value emissions imposing to community is a key point to find out how they are affecting the whole economy and this will help decision makers to conduct better road maps and policies. Many different approaches and methodologies are used in literature to find appropriate answers to above mentioned questions and phenomena, in this research, integrated assessment modeling methodology is used, an economical model (CGE), an energy supply optimization model (ESM) and an energy demand estimation model (MADE) is used as parts of the IAM. A module is developed to include economic effects of emissions. By using these methodology, results show global decline of economic indicators, by including effects of emissions on households’ expenses and the labor force’s efficiency. GDP, household income and total production in economic are the examples. In another study, carbon tax policy is applied to models, as a result, a minor decline is seen in economic indicators in comparison with a state that economy is not affected by either emissions or carbon tax policy. Global commodity prices are increased due to tax policies. Emissions are lowered affected by both decreasing the total production and changing technologies and energy carriers (switching to more efficient ones with lower carbon footprint). Rebound effect is defined as a variation of carbon emission in an ideal economy (without taxes and negative effects of emissions) with real economy also affected by carbon tax policy. Results showed 18 percent of rebound effect
- Keywords:
- Carbon Tax ; Rebound Effect ; Emission Cost ; Emission Reduction ; Damage Cost ; Integrated Assesment Model ; Emission Economy
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