
Preparation of Suitable Membrane for NaOH Solution Enrichment

Sheikholvaezin, Mohammad Naghi | 2016

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: English
  3. Document No: 49361 (66)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Sharif University of Technology, International Campus, Kish Island
  6. Advisor(s): Musavi, Abbas; Bastani, Dariush
  7. Abstract:
  8. Sodium Hydroxide production industry is among the largest chemical industries that annually produces 66 million tons worldwide. NaOH which is produced through electrochemical cells needs to be further enriched. The use of membrane technology as a substitute for conventional processes has been a point of interest. Thin film composite membrane is among favorable membrane because of its ability to be customized layer by layer individually. In this thesis, for the purpose of making an optimized membrane for NaOH enrichment, we studied the preparation conditions and witnessed that by increasing MPD from 1.5 %wt. to 4.5%wt. The flux experiences a minimum at 3.5%wt, which is the maximum for rejection with 33.6%. Upon changing TMC from 0.1 %wt to 0.4 %wt; we saw a maximum for flux at 0.2 %wt and the maximum for rejection was observed at 0.3 %wt. Polymerization time’s results showed a minimum in flux with 50s which also was the point for maximum rejection with 26.1%. We also saw that curing has the most effect on performance of the membrane. Results show that changing curing temperature can cause a large change in flux and rejection. At 85˚C we saw a flux of 12.1 LMH and the maximum rejection was observed at 65˚C. The curing time has a mild effect in comparison to curing temperature. By setting optimal conditions, the optimized membrane showed 1.11 LMH flux and 44.15% NaOH rejection
  9. Keywords:
  10. Thin-film Composite Membrane ; Enrichment ; Membrane Technology ; Sodium Hydroxide

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