Simultanous Optimization of Water and Energ in Steel Production Based on Modified Superstructure
Mahmoudi, Morteza | 2017
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 49553 (46)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Energy Engineering
- Advisor(s): Saboohi, Yadollah
- Abstract:
- In a steel production plan primary resources entered the process are converted to high value products and byproducts. To this end, resources need to pass several consecutive process that require utility streams. One could not achieve the optimum operation of an industrial process unless they maximize the product and minimize the utility and waste. Therefore, it is important to consider the process stream integrated. The aim of this work is to find the optimum consumption of water and energy in a steel production and to calculate the potential reduction in water and energy resource destruction. Present work could be define a mathematical programing problem in which water users and all streams (from primary stage to final) are addressed. Then, the provided superstructure is optimized. One of main challenges in these sort of problem that is of paramount importance, is to come up with new method to develop new superstructure facing less complexity. In present work. Water and wastewater network are formulated as linear programing problem. The major merit of this kind of formulation is to provide easier way of optimization and to guarantee the global optimum. Two examples are presented in order to illustrate the applicability and capabilities of the proposed model. Not only the proposed model exhibit similar objective function value to results of previous models, but also this model presents a more balanced and less complex WWN as well as reduction in a number of splits up to 48% . Additionally, by applying this model on DRI unit decreasing the fresh water consumption and water in circulation up to 10% and 38% respectively has been achieved
- Keywords:
- Mathematical Programming ; Optimization ; Iranian Steel Industry ; Water and Energy Nexus ; Water Conservation ; Energy Consumption Reduction ; Midrex Method ; Direct Iron Reduction
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