- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 50099 (06)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
- Advisor(s): Kazemeini, Mohammad; Mohammadi, Aliasghar
- Abstract:
- Consumption of oil and gas as energy carrier leads to irreversible environmental effects related to greenhouse gases emission. Hence, for the reduction in greenhouse gas emission, a shift to renewable resources for energy supply is recommended. However, in recent years, hydrogen has emerged as the most promising clean energy carrier for generating electrical power through fuel cells. Nevertheless, production of renewable hydrogen is the main barrier to the development of hydrogen as an energy carrier. Aqueous phase reforming of oxygenated hydrocarbon is developed by Dumesic for producing renewable hydrogen-rich gas with low CO. Since it is expected that, use of new technology such as the microreactor, progress the ability of APR in in-situ hydrogen production. Hence, fabrication of optimum microreactor for hydrogen production through aqueous phase reforming is the main purpose of this study. Therefore, in this work, a steel microreactor with the structured catalyst is fabricated and it is performance is compared with equivalent fixed bed reactor. Finally, it is evidenced that conversion and selectivity of the aqueous phase reforming of ethylene glycol in microreactor are better than in fixed bed reactor
- Keywords:
- Hydrogen ; Biomass ; Aqueous Phase Reforming ; Microreactor ; Coating ; Reforming Reactor
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