
3D Resource Allocation in Multi-Core Fibers

Mirani, Ali | 2017

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 50266 (05)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Electrical Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Salehi, Javad
  7. Abstract:
  8. High-definition video streaming, multimedia file sharing, cloud computing, mobile networks and online gaming, all together, will increase the network traffic enormously every year.Long-haul optical fiber networks form the backbone of the Internet and scaling to higher throughput and lower cost per bit is essential to ensure continued growth of information technologies. For four decades, optical networks have exploited significant progress in physical technologies, including low-loss single-mode fibers (SMFs), high-performance lasers and modulators, and low-noise optical amplifiers. In parallel, communication methods have evolved to multiplex information in various physical dimensions in SMFs, including time, frequency, quadrature phase and polarization, a trend hastened in recent years by coherent optical receivers using large-scale digital circuits for signal processing and error-correction decoding. The transmission capacity per fiber, after decades of exponential growth sustained by these technologies, is now approaching fundamental information-theoretic limits imposed by optical amplifier noise and by the nonlinear response of the silica fiber medium.New types of fibers, which provide spatial dimensions, enable important options for increasing transmission capacity per fiber. Multicore fibers provide one option. A waveguide mode is defined as a pattern of the optical electric field that propagates without changing, apart from an amplitude change and phase shift. Different waveguide modes are mutually orthogonal, so they provide independent spatial dimensions for data transmission. Although propagation over long distances causes coupling between signals in different modes, received signals can be separated by MIMO processing.In this thesis, we are going to calculate the nonlinear noise generated through the propagation of different spatial modes in space division multiplexing systems. First, we invesitigate different types of fibers in order to derive the channel model and based on the selected fiber, noise and other channel parameters are evaluated. We use the results to define the parameters of Quality of Service (QoS) based on the received Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR). Then, depending on different dimentions of available resources in the fiber links, an optimization problem is defined to reduce the costs of the networks. With these results, routers are able to allocate properly different frequencies, modulation, and power to the demands and also it will be possible to have different channels on the same frequencies but in different cores
  9. Keywords:
  10. Elastic Optical Networks (EON) ; Routing Algorithm ; Modulation ; Spectrum Assignment ; Fiber Optics ; Resources Allocation ; Space Division Multiplexing ; Multimode Fibers ; Multicore Fibers

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