
Design and Implementation a Controller for a XY Nano-Positioning System using Piezo Stack with Strain Gauge Fitted

Bayat, Saeed | 2017

527 Viewed
  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 50361 (08)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Mechanical Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Nejat, Hosein; Salarieh, Hassan
  7. Abstract:
  8. Nanopositioning is the technology to control position of the objects with precision of the scale of nanometers. Nowdays, This technology emerged as one of the components of research and production in the micro and nanometer dimensions, helping researches and producers to carry out many state of the art projects. A nanopositioning device, consists of a support to path guidance, an actuator to apply force and motion, a driving circuit for communication with the actuator, a sensor for measuring displacement, a circuit for reading sensor’s data, a controlling algorithm to reach the desired precision, a controlling hardware to enforce controlling logic, a power supply and a graphical user interface. The focus of this study is to complete the mechanical unit of the system by choosing adequate actuator and sensor that maintains desired precision while lowering the cost. Afterwards, the deriving circuit is designed and built to read the sensor’ data and to enforce controlling logic manually and automatically and its performance was investigated. In the next step, the dynamics of the linearized system is identified using genetic algorithm and due to the limitation in the availability of state variables of systems, The kalman filter is designed concidering model uncertainties and measurement noises. Due to the encountered problem in the implementation of the kalman filter, several Neural Network and ANFIS based observers were designed and their performance was compared. Next, various controllers including open loop, PID, µ Synthesis and H_∞ controllers were designed and simulated. PID with pre-warping and open loop controllers were experimentally simulated on the system. The algorithm of these two controllers were written on the micro controller and the precision of the response was measured. Subsequently, a GUI software was designed in Matlab. Finally, conclusions and references are noted
  9. Keywords:
  10. Nano Positioner ; Piezoelectric Actuator ; Kalman Filters ; System Identification ; Strain Gages ; Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS)

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