Application of Pseudospectra in Synthesis of Robust and Fault-Tolerant Control Systems
Zargaran, Hamid | 2017
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 50403 (05)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Electrical Engineering
- Advisor(s): Nobakhti, Amin
- Abstract:
- Eigenvalue analysis is a fundamental tool in control issues, however, in some abnormal matrixes it can lead to an incorrect judgment of the matrix dynamic behavior. Pesudospectra, as an eigenvalue generalization, can provide more extensive information of the system dynamic behavior, whereas, the obtained data from eigenvalue analysis can be incomplete. In applying robust controllers, the concept of uncertainty has been attracted researcher interest in system modelling, nevertheless, the controller implementation may not be fault free or the parameters may vary over time. In this project the aforementioned issue will be studied and additionally, the pseudospectra will be employed to design a controller which can tolerate the differences between the implemented and designed controller to the possible extent and also, in case of fault occurrence in its components, the closed loop system can provide a proper functionality
- Keywords:
- Robust Control ; Uncertainty ; Fault Tolerance ; Non-fragility Controller ; Pseudo Spectral Method