Improving the performance of a numerical model to simulate the EHD interaction effect induced by dielectric barrier discharge
Omidi, J ; Sharif University of Technology
- Type of Document: Article
- DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2017.07.008
- Abstract:
- Over the past decade, there has been a growing interest in dielectric-barrier-discharge (DBD) plasma actuators. The lack of a general model to accurately simulate the related phenomena is one of the primary limitations in studying such type of actuators. One of the most frequently used models of this type was proposed by Suzen and Huang (S-H). Despite the numerous efforts made to improve this model, including a recent work of the authors, some deficiencies still exist. In this study, new modifications have been introduced to improve the performance and accuracy of the S-H phenomenological model. Here, a relation between the electrical-potential and charge-density equations has been made in the form of a boundary condition for charge distribution on the dielectric surface. Some semi-empirical relations are extracted for computing the plasma extension as well as the Debye length which is very important in simulation of the near-wall flow field. Furthermore, the one-equation for estimation of actuator-generated-thrust is corrected by these modifications. The main advantage of the modified model is that the model does not need to further calibration to predict accurately the Debye length, plasma extension and maximum charge density parameter in a range of voltages and frequencies. Promising results have been achieved in the simulation of the induced jet structures in the flat-plate boundary-layer for air as the working fluid. © 2017 Elsevier Inc
- Keywords:
- DBD plasma actuator ; Numerical simulation ; Phenomenological model modification ; Semi-empirical relations ; Actuators ; Air ; Computer simulation ; Dielectric materials ; Electric discharges ; Numerical models ; Wall flow ; Charge density equations ; DBD plasma ; Dielectric barrier discharge plasmas ; Dielectric barrier discharges ; Electrical potential ; Flat plate boundary layers ; Phenomenological modeling ; Semiempirical relations ; Dielectric devices
- Source: International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow ; Volume 67 , 2017 , Pages 79-94 ; 0142727X (ISSN)
- URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0142727X17303570