
On the size-dependent flexural vibration characteristics of unbalanced couple stress-based micro-spinning beams

Hashemi, M ; Sharif University of Technology

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  1. Type of Document: Article
  2. DOI: 10.1080/15397734.2015.1125298
  3. Abstract:
  4. On the basis of the modified couple stress theory, some analytical results are obtained for vibrational parameters of micro-spinning Rayleigh beams with an axial mass-eccentricity distribution. The modified couple stress theory is a nonclassical continuum theory capable to capture the size effects in small-scale structures. After writing the governing equations of motion, they are transformed to the complex form. Then by utilizing the Galerkin method, analytical expressions for natural frequencies of the micro-spinning beam in forward and backward whirl motions are obtained. Critical speeds are also analytically presented in the two whirl motions for different modes. Moreover, the vibrational amplitude of the micro-spinning beam with axial mass eccentricity distribution is determined. Some numerical results are presented to study the effect of the length scale parameter on the vibrational characteristics. © 2017 Taylor & Francis
  5. Keywords:
  6. Micro-spinning beam ; Modified couple stress theory ; Nonclassical continuum theories ; Continuum mechanics ; Equations of motion ; Galerkin methods ; Free and forced vibrations ; Modified couple stress theories ; Non-classical continuum theories ; Small-scale structures ; Spinning beam ; Vibration analysis
  7. Source: Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines ; Volume 45, Issue 1 , 2017 , Pages 1-11 ; 15397734 (ISSN)
  8. URL: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/15397734.2015.1125298?journalCode=lmbd20