Interpretation of in-situ horizontal stress from self-boring pressuremeter tests in sands: A numerical study

Ahmadi, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology | 2017

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  1. Type of Document: Article
  2. Publisher: 19th ICSMGE Secretariat , 2017
  3. Abstract:
  4. In this study, a numerical finite difference model of self-boring pressuremeter test (SBPM) is performed. Limit pressure is believed to be a key parameter for estimation of soil parameters from pressuremeter tests, however; self-boring pressuremeter tests are practically conducted up to 10-15% strains, so determination of limit pressure usually needs extrapolation. For an alternative solution, it is recommended to consider cavity pressure corresponding to 10% strain (P10) for interpretation of soil parameters instead of limit pressure; therefore, more than 5000 numerical analyses of SBPM are carried out to correlate cavity pressure corresponding to 10% strain (P10) to sand parameters with the aid of genetic algorithm. Based on these extensive numbers of numerical analyses, a new relation is proposed which correlates P10 to soil parameters. The new relation is suggested to be used for estimation of soil in-situ horizontal stress. The estimated in-situ horizontal stresses are compared to measured ones obtained from laboratory and field results of SBPM to evaluate the proposed method. Close agreement is found between values of in-situ horizontal stress obtained by the proposed relation with the measured values reported in the literature
  5. Keywords:
  6. Genetic algorithm ; In-situ horizontal stress ; Numerical modelling ; Pressuremeter ; Sand parameters ; Boring ; Genetic algorithms ; Geotechnical engineering ; Numerical analysis ; Numerical models ; Soil mechanics ; Soils ; Alternative solutions ; Cavity pressure ; Finite difference model ; Measured values ; Pressuremeter tests ; Pressuremeters ; Self-boring pressuremeter test ; Situ horizontal stress ; Parameter estimation
  7. Source: 19th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, ICSMGE 2017, 17 September 2017 through 22 September 2017 ; 2017 , Pages 567-570
  8. URL: