- Type of Document: Ph.D. Dissertation
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 50738 (05)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Electrical Engineering
- Advisor(s): Hossein Khalaj, Babak
- Abstract:
- Caching has been widely considered an efficient way of reducing and balancing the growing traffic in communications networks in recent years. In this thesis, for the first time, the stochastic requests traffic model in communication networks is considered and a performance analysis is provided based on such a realistic assumption. In addition, we introduce new comprehensive performance metrics which simultaneously take into account, the cache hit probability, load on the bottleneck links, and requests arrival rates. The main contribution of this thesis is to present a system model based on queuing theory and provide an analysis of the stability, maximum stable throughput, load on the bottleneck links and average response delay for various coded and uncoded caching schemes. First, we consider single bottleneck caching networks which consist of one content server connected via a shared link to a number of caching nodes and analyze them in terms of the aforementioned metrics. Moreover, we propose a novel hybrid scheme, namely CDLS, which improves the shared link utilization factor, maximum stable throughput and delay of single bottleneck caching networks compared to existing methods. In addition, in order to perfectly model and analyze the practical communication networks, we model the arriving request flows by Markovian Arrival Processes (MAPs) and analyze the caching networks which apply asynchronous network coding.Next, we consider Heterogeneous Cellular Caching Networks (HCCNs) consisting of a macro cell base station (MBS) and a number of cache-enabled small cell base stations (SBSs). We provide closed-form expressions of the MBS and SBSs utilization factors and average user-experienced-delay based on queuing theory, considering the practical assumption of the stochastic arrival of user requests. Subsequently, we optimize caching schemes, load balancing between the MBS and SBSs, and bandwidth assignments for different SBSs in order to minimize the average user-experienced-delay under stability, cache size and bandwidth constraints. Moreover, we propose a novel caching scheme, namely Cooperative Most Popular Caching (CMPC), which outperforms the existing schemes in HCCNs.Our results, validated against simulations and real trace-driven experiments, provide interesting insights into the performance of single bottleneck and heterogeneous cellular caching networks
- Keywords:
- Caching ; Stability ; Delay ; Maximum Stable Throughput ; Optimization ; Communication Networks ; Queuing Theory ; Performance Evaluation ; Requests Traffic
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